Composition: Each 10 ml contains, Anacardium Ori-6, Lycopodium – 3X, Phosphorus-3X, Sepia 6, Arsenic Alb 6, Belladonna 30, Gelsemium 6, Equal proportion., Ethnol contents 46% v/v, Aqua dist Q.S
लक्षणः मस्तिष्क के क्रियात्मक रोग, स्मरण शक्ति की दुर्बलता, स्कूली बच्चों में स्मरणशक्ति व एकाग्रता का अभाव, आलस्य व थकान।
Properties: Functional disturbances of the brain, weakness of memory, lack of concentration and memory of school children, indifference and exhaustion.
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