Neurological Disease Archives - B C German Homeopathy Best Homeopathy Medicine Mon, 14 Oct 2024 08:55:23 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Neurological Disease Archives - B C German Homeopathy 32 32 BC 94 Fri, 13 May 2022 17:47:01 +0000 BC-94
लकवा ड्रॉप्स
(Paralysis Drops)

Properties: Paralysis is a loss of muscle function for one or more muscles. Paralysis, Stiffness in body, Stroke, poliomyelitis, paralysis of brain, Parkinson's disease.

The post BC 94 appeared first on B C German Homeopathy.

Composition: Each 10ml contains, Angustra D6, RT-200, Baryta Carb 2-8 Belladonna-Q 4, Bufoansa Q-12, Cicuta V 3D, Gelsemium 6, Lathyrus D4, Kali Phos 6, Equal proportion, Ethnol contents 46% v/v, Aqua.dist Q.s

लक्षण: लकवा से ग्रस्त व्यक्ति अपनी एक या ज्यादा मांसपेशियों को हिलाने में असमर्थ हो जाता है। पक्षाघात, शरीर में अकड़न आना, स्ट्रोक, पोलियो, मस्तिष्क संबंधी लकवा, पर्किसन्स रोग ।

Properties: Paralysis is a loss of muscle function for one or more muscles. Paralysis, Stiffness in body, Stroke, poliomyelitis, paralysis of brain, Parkinson’s disease.

The post BC 94 appeared first on B C German Homeopathy.

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BC 72 Fri, 13 May 2022 17:46:54 +0000 BC-72
नस नाड़ी एवं चेहरे का दर्द
(Neuralgia Drops)

Properties: Neuralgic pain, particularly pertaining to the cranium and facial neuralgia, cramping pain, sudden sharp pains and burning.

The post BC 72 appeared first on B C German Homeopathy.

Composition: Each 10 ml.contains, Verbascum 3, Kalmia lat 6, Golocynth 3X, Cedron 3X, Aconit Nap 3X, Equal proportion., Ethnol contents 46 %v/v, Aqua. dist Q.S

• लक्षण नाहियों सम्बन्धी दर्द, विशेषकर सिर तथा चेहरे की नाड़ियों से सम्बन्धी, ऐंठनयुक्त दर्द, अचानक तेज दर्द तथा जलन

Properties: Neuralgic pain, particularly pertaining to the cranium and facial neuralgia, cramping pain, sudden sharp pains and burning.

The post BC 72 appeared first on B C German Homeopathy.

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BC 76 Fri, 13 May 2022 17:46:54 +0000 BC-76
नसों में रुकावट एवं वैरिकोस वेन्स
(Varicose Drops)

Properties: Venous stasis, varicosis and varicose ailments, inflammation of the veins, heaviness, eczema and itching, venous stasis, eruption in the form of Vesicles, obstructions in the veins varicose veins.

The post BC 76 appeared first on B C German Homeopathy.

Composition: Each 10 ml contains, Aesculus, hip 3, Belladona 3 Pulsatilla 3X. Mezerium 3, Cardus. V 3X, Calc flor 3X Equal proportion., Ethnol contents 46%v/v, Aqua.disto.s.

लक्षण नस सम्बन्धी स्थिरता नस का फैलाव या सूजन, नस में जलन, भारीपन, एक्जिमा एवं खुजली, नस में खून की रुकावट, पनीले फफोलों वाली फुंसियों, नस में रुकावट, वेरिकोस वेन्स

Properties: Venous stasis, varicosis and varicose ailments, inflammation of the veins, heaviness, eczema and itching, venous stasis, eruption in the form of Vesicles, obstructions in the veins varicose veins.

The post BC 76 appeared first on B C German Homeopathy.

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BC 77 Fri, 13 May 2022 17:46:54 +0000 BC-77
कान सम्बन्धी रोग
(Earache Drops)

Properties: Pain in ear, burming, sticky discharge from ear, faul smell discharge. deafness, itching of ear, inflammation, soundness in ear (Tinnitus) and deafness due to cold.

The post BC 77 appeared first on B C German Homeopathy.

Composition: Each 10ml contains, Kal, bich D6, Belladonna 6. Calc. Carb 6, Pulsatila 30. Heper Sulph. Equal proportion. Ethnol contents 46% v/v, Aqua. dist D.S

लक्षणः कान में दर्द, जलन, कान से चिपचिपा स्राव, कान का बहना, बदबुदार साव निकलना बहरापन कान की खुजली, सूजन, कान में आवाज सुनाई पड़ना एवं ठंड लगने के कारण बहरापन।

Properties: Pain in ear, burming, sticky discharge from ear, faul smell discharge. deafness, itching of ear, inflammation, soundness in ear (Tinnitus) and deafness due to cold.

The post BC 77 appeared first on B C German Homeopathy.

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BC 83 Fri, 13 May 2022 17:46:54 +0000 BC-83
साइटिका ड्रॉप
(Scitica Drops)

Properties: Scitica, scitica as a result of displacement of the vertebral disc, paraesthesia, formication in legs. nocturnal pain, violent pain that are aggravated by slightest movement and ameliorated by warm applications and pressure

The post BC 83 appeared first on B C German Homeopathy.

Composition: Each 10ml contains, Colocynth 4X. Aconit Nap 4X, Gnaphalium 4X. Mag. Phos. 30X Rhus Tax 4X, Viscum Alb.3X Equal proportion Ethnol [contents 46%v/v. Aqua dist O.S

लक्षण सायटिक (नस का दर्द) कशेरूकीय चक्रों (Vertebral Disc) का अपने स्थान से हट जाने के कारण होने वाला साइटिका झुनझुनी पैरो में चींटी चलने जैसी अनुभूति रात्रिकालीन दर्द, तेज दर्द जो गति से बढ़े एंव गर्म पट्टी से आराम।

Properties: Scitica, scitica as a result of displacement of the vertebral disc, paraesthesia, formication in legs. nocturnal pain, violent pain that are aggravated by slightest movement and ameliorated by warm applications and pressure

The post BC 83 appeared first on B C German Homeopathy.

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BC 66 Fri, 13 May 2022 17:46:53 +0000 BC-66
अंग में कंपन एवं नस नाड़ी रोग
(Chorea & Nerve Disease)

Properties: Nerves diseases, st, vitus dance, chorea, oversensitivity in the nervous system of children in nervous disease, irritation, restlessness, twitching, restlessness in the legs.

The post BC 66 appeared first on B C German Homeopathy.

Composition: Each 10 ml contains, Zincum, V 30, Phosphorus 3X, Mag phos 3X, Lachesis 3X, Agricus mus. 3X Equal proportion. Ethnol contents 46%v/v, Aqua.dist Q.S

लक्षण नस नाडियों के रोग, नर्तन रोग, अंग कम्पन, बच्चों के तंत्रिका तंत्र की अतिसंवेदनशीलता, स्नायु रोग, चिडचिड़ापन, बेचैनी, ऐंठन, पैरों को लगातार हिलाना।

Properties: Nerves diseases, st, vitus dance, chorea, oversensitivity in the nervous system of children in nervous disease, irritation, restlessness, twitching, restlessness in the legs.

The post BC 66 appeared first on B C German Homeopathy.

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