Male Sexual Dysfunction Archives - B C German Homeopathy Best Homeopathy Medicine Mon, 14 Oct 2024 09:13:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Male Sexual Dysfunction Archives - B C German Homeopathy 32 32 BC 45 Fri, 13 May 2022 17:46:46 +0000 BC-45
हाईड्रोसील ड्रॉप्स
(Hydrocele Drops)

Properties: Growth of hydrocele or scrotum, underdeveloped scrotum, pain, Inflammation, hydropsy, internal shrinking of scrotum and intense pain & various disease related to scrotum.

The post BC 45 appeared first on B C German Homeopathy.

Composition: Each 10 ml contains, Bryonia. Alb. 3X, Rhododendn. 3X, Aurum. Met. 3X, Pulsatilla 3X, Hydrocotyle 3X, Rhus tax-3X, Equal proportion., Ethnol contents 46% v/v, Aqua. dist Q.S

लक्षण हाइड्रोसील या अंडकोष का बढ़ना, विकसित नहीं होना, हाइड्रोसील में दर्द, सूजन, जलोदर, अण्डकोषों का अन्दर सिकुड़ना तथा भयानक दर्द एवं दोनों अंडकोषों से सम्बन्धित रोग

Properties: Growth of hydrocele or scrotum, underdeveloped scrotum, pain, Inflammation, hydropsy, internal shrinking of scrotum and intense pain & various disease related to scrotum.

The post BC 45 appeared first on B C German Homeopathy.

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BC 58 Fri, 13 May 2022 17:46:46 +0000 BC-58
पुरुष ग्रंथी रोग
(Male Glands Drops)

Properties: Glandular disease in men, growth disturbances, obesity due to pituitary dysfunction. goiter myxoedema, asthenia, allergy, asthma, hypoglycemia.

The post BC 58 appeared first on B C German Homeopathy.

Composition: Each 10 ml contains, Glandula Thyme 3X. Thyroidinum 30. Hypophysis 30, Testes 3X, Equal proportion, Ethnol contents 46%v/v, Aqua, dist Q.S

लक्षण : पुरूषों के ग्रंथि रोग, विकास में बाधा, पियूषिका ग्रंथि (Pituitary Gland) की दोषपूर्ण क्रिया के कारण मोटापा, अन्यथा कम वजन, गलगण्ड (Goitre), थायरॉयड ग्रंथि की अपूर्ण क्रिया, कमजोरी, एलर्जी, दमा, खून में शर्करा की कमी।

Properties: Glandular disease in men, growth disturbances, obesity due to pituitary dysfunction. goiter myxoedema, asthenia, allergy, asthma, hypoglycemia.

The post BC 58 appeared first on B C German Homeopathy.

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BC 40 Fri, 13 May 2022 17:46:45 +0000 BC-40
पुरूष गुप्त रोग
(Male Sexual Disease Drops)

Properties: Sexual asthenia in male, spermatorrhoea, geneal debility, over excitement, nervous exhaustion, old-age ailments, impotence, lack of libido, sexual disturbances, irritation, repugnance for coition..

The post BC 40 appeared first on B C German Homeopathy.

Composition: Each 10ml contains, Acid. Phos-3, Agnus. Cast-3X, China off-0, Phosphorus-3, Sepla-3, Damiana-3X, Conium Mac-6, Equal proportion.. Ethnol contents 46% v/v, Aqua, dist o.s

लक्षणः पुरुषों में यौन सम्बन्धी दुर्बलता, वीर्यस्खलन, सर्वांगीण कमजोरी, अत्यधिक उत्तेजना, तंत्रिका सम्बन्धी थकान, वृद्धावस्था के रोग, नपुंसकता, कामोत्तजना की कमी, लैंगिक गड़बड़ी चिड़चिड़ापन, संभोग की अनिच्छा।

Properties: Sexual asthenia in male, spermatorrhoea, geneal debility, over excitement, nervous exhaustion, old-age ailments, impotence, lack of libido, sexual disturbances, irritation, repugnance for coition..

The post BC 40 appeared first on B C German Homeopathy.

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BC 23 Fri, 13 May 2022 17:46:27 +0000 BC-23
प्रोस्टेट ड्रॉप्स
(Prostate Drops)

Properties: Acute and chronic prostatitis and its consequences, sharp pain when urinating, frequent urge to urinate at night, pain running from the bladders down to urethra, urination in drops, gravel in urine, orchitis, gonorrhoea, turbid and yellowish urine, hypertrophy of the prostate gland.

The post BC 23 appeared first on B C German Homeopathy.

Composition: Each 10ml Contains, Chimaphila U 3, Clematis 30, Conium Mac 3, Ferrum. Pic. 30, Pulsatilla 30, Sabal Ser Q, Equal proportion., Ethnol contents 46%v/v, Aqua. dist Q.S

लक्षण: प्रोस्टेट ग्रंथी का नया तथा पुराना सूजन तथा इनके फलस्वरूप होने वाली समस्याएं मूत्रत्याग के दौरान तेज पीड़ा, रात में बार-बार पेशाब लगना, मूत्राशय से मूत्र नली में दर्द, बूंदों में मूत्रस्त्राव, मूत्र में पथरी, अंडकोषों का शोथ, सूजाक, धुंधला व पीला मूत्र, प्रोस्टेट ग्रंथी का बढ़ना।

Properties: Acute and chronic prostatitis and its consequences, sharp pain when urinating, frequent urge to urinate at night, pain running from the bladders down to urethra, urination in drops, gravel in urine, orchitis, gonorrhoea, turbid and yellowish urine, hypertrophy of the prostate gland.

The post BC 23 appeared first on B C German Homeopathy.

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