Brain & Neurological Diseases Archives - B C German Homeopathy Best Homeopathy Medicine Mon, 14 Oct 2024 09:18:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Brain & Neurological Diseases Archives - B C German Homeopathy 32 32 BC 78 Fri, 13 May 2022 17:46:54 +0000 BC-78
साइनोसाइटिस रोग
(Sinusitis Drops)

Properties: In acute and chronic catarrh of the nose and maxillary sinus, Sinusitis, formation of polypus in children, lack of smell & taste..

The post BC 78 appeared first on B C German Homeopathy.

Composition: Each 10 ml contains, Aresnic Alb. 1X, Calc. Carb 1X, Pulsatilla Q. Cinabaris 1X. Kali Bich 1X, Merc Sol. 1X, Hyostyamus 1X. Equal proportion. Ethnol contents 46% v/v, Aqua dist O.S.

लक्षण नाक की नई व पूरानी सर्दी, नासाशोध, बच्चों की नाक के अन्दर पॉलिप बनना, गंध व स्वाद का लोप

Properties: In acute and chronic catarrh of the nose and maxillary sinus, Sinusitis, formation of polypus in children, lack of smell & taste..

The post BC 78 appeared first on B C German Homeopathy.

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BC 62 Fri, 13 May 2022 17:46:53 +0000 BC-62
डिप्रेशन ड्रॉप्स
(Depression Drops)

Properties: Mental fatigue, exhaustion, depression, irritability, headache, food craving. Inability in concentration, helps in appetite symptoms, craving. stimulants.

The post BC 62 appeared first on B C German Homeopathy.

Composition: Each 10 ml contains, Adrenallum. 30, Arsenic Alb. 30, Insulinum 3, Nux. vom 6. Denothera Bien 6, Heper Sulpher 3X, Equal proportion. Ethnol contents 46% v/v, Aqua. dist Q.S

लक्षण मानसिक थकान, दुर्बलता, चिंता, चिडचिडापन, सिरदर्द, भोजन की इच्छा, एकाग्रचितता का अभाव, खाने से लक्षणों में आराम, उत्तेजक पदार्थों की इच्छा।

Properties: Mental fatigue, exhaustion, depression, irritability, headache, food craving. Inability in concentration, helps in appetite symptoms, craving. stimulants.

The post BC 62 appeared first on B C German Homeopathy.

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BC 68 Fri, 13 May 2022 17:46:53 +0000 BC-68
सिर दर्द एवं वात रोग
(Healache & Analgesic Drops)

Properties: _Headaches neuralgic pains, myalgic pains, vertigo occipital headache, algospasms, neuritis and neuralgic pains especially in face, migrane, headache of school going children..

The post BC 68 appeared first on B C German Homeopathy.

Composition Each 10ml contains, Cinonthus V. G. Sanguinaria CQ. Lachnanthus TO, Glonine 30, Belladonna 30. Cyclemen 6, Spigellia A6, Cimicifuga 6 Equal proportion. Ethnol contents 44%v/v, Aqua. dist D.S.

लक्षण सिरदर्द वातशूलीय दर्द, मांसपेशियों का दर्द सिर चकराना, सिर के पीछले भाग में दर्द दर्दनाक ऐंठन स्नायु-प्रदाह, नाड़ी सम्बन्धी दर्द विशेषकर चेहर में, अर्धकपाली, स्कूली बच्चों का सिर दर्द।

Properties: _Headaches neuralgic pains, myalgic pains, vertigo occipital headache, algospasms, neuritis and neuralgic pains especially in face, migrane, headache of school going children..

The post BC 68 appeared first on B C German Homeopathy.

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BC 32 Fri, 13 May 2022 17:46:45 +0000 BC-32
अधकपारी (माइग्रेन) ड्रॉप्स
(Migraine Drops)

Properties: Migraine, nervous headache, neuralgia of the head, cerebral congestion, feeling of prostration, aversion to light, pain just above eyes, periodic migraine.

The post BC 32 appeared first on B C German Homeopathy.

Composition: Each 10 ml contains, Cimcifuga 30, Gelsemium, 6, Iris ten 3, Sangunaria 3, Spigelia 3, Cyclemen 6. Equal proportion, Ethnol contents 46%v/v, Aqua. dist Q.s

लक्षण: आधे सिर का दर्द, तंत्रिका सम्बन्धी सिरदर्द, सिर की नाड़ियों में दर्द, सिर में रक्त संकुचन, सन्निपात की अनुभूति, रोशनी से अरूचि, आँखों के ठीक ऊपर दर्द, निश्चित समय पर होने वाला आधे सिर का दर्द |

Properties: Migraine, nervous headache, neuralgia of the head, cerebral congestion, feeling of prostration, aversion to light, pain just above eyes, periodic migraine.

The post BC 32 appeared first on B C German Homeopathy.

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BC 33 Fri, 13 May 2022 17:46:45 +0000 BC-33
नींद के लिए
(Insomnia Drops)

Properties: Sleeplessness, insomnia, various disturbances of the sleep, light sleep, weariness during the day, nervous exhaustion, irritation, depression. depressing nature, egocentric solitude.

The post BC 33 appeared first on B C German Homeopathy.

Composition: Each 10 ml contains, Avena. Sativa Q, Ammonium. Bromeet. 6, Chamomilla-30, Ignatia-30, Passiflora 30, Valeriana – 30, Zincum. Vu 30, Coffea 4, Equal proportion, Ethnol.contents 46%v/v, Aqua dist O.S

लक्षण: नींद का अभाव, अनिद्रा, नींद में उत्पन्न होनेवाले अनेक समस्याए, हल्की नींद, सारे दिन बेचैनी, तंत्रिका सम्बन्धी थकान, निराशा, अवसाद, अहं केन्द्रित अकेलापन।

Properties: Sleeplessness, insomnia, various disturbances of the sleep, light sleep, weariness during the day, nervous exhaustion, irritation, depression. depressing nature, egocentric solitude.

The post BC 33 appeared first on B C German Homeopathy.

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BC 35 Fri, 13 May 2022 17:46:45 +0000 BC-35
चक्कर या यात्रा के दौरान रोग
(Vertigo & Travel Sickness)

Properties: Vertigo, travel sickness, general instability, buzzing noise in the ears, nausea, tendency to vomit and faint, sensation of numbness.

The post BC 35 appeared first on B C German Homeopathy.

Composition: Each 10 ml contains, Asafoetida 6, Gloninum 6, Lachesis-30, Coffea-30, Pulsatilla-30, Moschus-12, Equal proportion, Ethnol contents 46%v/v, Aqua, dist O.S

लक्षणः सिर चकराना बस यात्रा के दौरान चक्कर व उल्टी आना सर्वांगीण अस्थिरता, कानों में भिनभिनाहट, मितली, उल्टी और बेहोशी, मस्तिष्क में चेतनाशून्यता

Properties: Vertigo, travel sickness, general instability, buzzing noise in the ears, nausea, tendency to vomit and faint, sensation of numbness.

The post BC 35 appeared first on B C German Homeopathy.

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BC 7 Fri, 13 May 2022 17:46:26 +0000 BC-7
मिरगी रोग
(Epilepsy Drops)

Properties: Epilepsy and epileptic attack, twitching muscles, progressive weakness and all types of cramps.

The post BC 7 appeared first on B C German Homeopathy.

Composition: Each 10 ml contains, Buforana 3X, Cuprum. Met 3, Pulsatilla 6, Belladonna 6, Zincum Met 30. Equal proportion. Ethnol contents 46%v/v, Aqua, dist Q.S

लक्षणः मिरगी और मिरगी के दौरे, मांसपेशियों में मरोड़, कमजोरी का बढ़ना एंव हर प्रकार की मरोड़ के लिए विशिष्ट औषधि।

Properties: Epilepsy and epileptic attack, twitching muscles, progressive weakness and all types of cramps.

The post BC 7 appeared first on B C German Homeopathy.

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BC 11 Fri, 13 May 2022 17:46:26 +0000 BC-11
दिमाग एवं यादास्त बढ़ाना
(Brain & Memory Drops)

Properties: Functional disturbances of the brain, weakness of memory, lack of concentration and memory of school children, indifference and exhaustion.

The post BC 11 appeared first on B C German Homeopathy.

Composition: Each 10 ml contains, Anacardium Ori-6, Lycopodium – 3X, Phosphorus-3X, Sepia 6, Arsenic Alb 6, Belladonna 30, Gelsemium 6, Equal proportion., Ethnol contents 46% v/v, Aqua dist Q.S

लक्षणः मस्तिष्क के क्रियात्मक रोग, स्मरण शक्ति की दुर्बलता, स्कूली बच्चों में स्मरणशक्ति व एकाग्रता का अभाव, आलस्य व थकान।

Properties: Functional disturbances of the brain, weakness of memory, lack of concentration and memory of school children, indifference and exhaustion.

The post BC 11 appeared first on B C German Homeopathy.

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